Jenn Best Art

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Creativity as Nourishment

Happy Friday!  The weekend is almost here, and I hope that whatever you are doing this weekend nourishes your Soul. Too often, we get caught up in the stresses of life and forget to take moments (even very brief ones) of nourishment.

Nourishment isn’t just what we put into our bodies - it is the acts of kindness and pleasure we give ourselves. These acts allow us to exhale, become present and connect to ourselves.

What does nourishment look like to you?

Nourishment, for me, can look like many things, such as time in nature. However, the most impactful way of nourishing my Soul is through creativity.

Lately, I have been feeling stagnant and restless creatively. Thankfully, I know enough to listen to my body, and I know that something wants to come through me. I have experienced a lot of change in my life this past year, outwardly, as well as I continue to grow and evolve internally. I’m listening to the call to explore, so I’ve been painting small studies lately. I give myself 30-45 minutes for each painting. They are mostly portraits of women.

Here is one of the portraits I recently completed.

The intention was to create. I was not worried about making it look pretty or finished. I just get lost in the pleasure of creating, quieting my busy mind, and allowing myself to be in the present moment.  

Can you do this for yourself this weekend?