Nurture Your Intuition Through Creativity

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein

We are born intuitive; however, as we grow into adulthood, intuition is not nurtured for most of us. If anything, we are conditioned to quiet it and rely on the analytical mind. Throughout life, we unconsciously disconnect from our bodies and our senses, which play a critical role in living life where we are in tune with our inner wisdom.

I know from firsthand experience that when we dismiss what we know and feel to be true for ourselves, we will regret it somehow. For some, these are big regrets—having an unfulfilling career that eventually causes burnout, staying in an abusive relationship, not advocating for our health when despite knowing something is wrong or being told by a well-intentioned doctor that you’re fine. Then there are the daily small regrets.

Living an intuitive life can take courage because it means living a life guided by your heart and your senses. It means possibly changing who everyone expects you to be, having boundaries, saying no to things you would’ve said yes to, and saying yes to things you would’ve never dreamt of doing before.

A regular creativity practice will help guide you back to yourself. This practice could be painting, playing music, writing, gardening, cooking, knitting, pottery or any other activity that brings you joy and allows you to be in a flow state. When we’re in our right brain and the present moment, we return to our bodies and senses. We can hear and feel the whispers in our hearts, the tightness in our gut or the goosebumps on our skin when something lights us up.

Our intuition subtly communicates with us. It is rarely a billboard message.

Our intuition does not lead us astray. It leads us back to our centre - to our heart’s truth.

If you don’t know what creative act lights you up, get curious. Pay attention to what you are drawn to and what grabs your attention for a few extra moments. These are the breadcrumbs that will lead you to your creativity.


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